Britain’s bespoke tailoring industry is facing an alarming shortage of master tailors

Britain’s bespoke tailoring industry is facing an alarming shortage of master tailors, according to James Sleater, co-founder of bespoke Savile Row tailor Cad & the Dandy. “We heard Sir James Dyson saying that the lack of skilled engineers was the greatest barrier in the growth of his company and property entrepreneur Will Davies has been …

Britain’s bespoke tailoring industry is facing an alarming shortage of master tailorsRead more

Quote of the day

‘The research gives a powerful insight into today’s employees, and shows how strongly Brits want to have their ideas heard and be involved in company strategy. Large FMCG organisations like ours are often considered powerhouses of process, but at L’Oréal we’re driven more by passion and contribution than process and conformity. We love to say …

Quote of the dayRead more

EXPERT VIEW: How to unleash the ‘intrapreneurs’ in business

Large firms across the UK need to adopt the entrepreneurial spirit that drives so much value in start-ups and small firms. According to CIPD research, by encouraging a culture of ‘intrapreneurialism,’ big businesses could help their employees adopt entrepreneurial behaviours that foster innovation and growth. The word ‘intrapreneurs’ was coined in the 1980s by management …

EXPERT VIEW: How to unleash the ‘intrapreneurs’ in businessRead more

EXPERT VIEW: The world’s changing faster than work

A number of Megatrends over the last century have changed the world of work beyond recognition, according to a report. But are businesses are aware of, or prepared for, the future trends that will shape the way we work and the performance of our organisations and economies in the next decade? Megatrends: The trends shaping …

EXPERT VIEW: The world’s changing faster than workRead more

UK sick notes drop to record level

From Daily Telegraph: 15 July 2013: UK sick notes drop to record level Absenteeism has fallen to a record low and could be even lower if the public sector was able to match the improvement in private business, says a report out. The average absence rate last years was down to 5.3 days from 6.5 …

UK sick notes drop to record levelRead more

Legal battle over bid to charge to go to employment tribunals

From The Herald: 12 July 2013: Legal battle over bid to charge to go to employment tribunals MOVES to charge workers hundreds of pounds to take unscrupulous employers to tribunals are in “disarray”, with lawyers acting for Westminster chided for wasting time at one of Scotland’s highest courts, it has been claimed. Employment lawyers went …

Legal battle over bid to charge to go to employment tribunalsRead more

Adopt an Intern Targets 500th Placement

Wednesday 10th July 2013: Adopt an Intern Targets 500th Placement Adopt an Intern (AAI), the independent, not-for-profit company that facilitates paid internships for recent graduates and postgraduates, is targeting its 500th placement by the end of 2013. To date the company, which emerged in 2010 from the Centre for Scottish Public Policy think-tank, has placed …

Adopt an Intern Targets 500th PlacementRead more

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