What’s best when an employee faces a criminal trial

What are the right things to do when dealing with misconduct in the workplace? This was the thorny question under discussion at the latest Mac&Mac Legal Lunch seminar, delivered by Ewan Stafford, a member of the United Employment Lawyers’ network, in Inverness. Ewan Stafford, a solicitor with Inverness-based Macleod & MacCallum presented the topic of …

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Unfair dismissal process is a massive change we all need to know about

One of Scotland’s pre-eminent employment law practitioners spoke of the important changes caused by the introduction of ‘early intervention’ to resolve unfair dismissal claims. Tony McGrade (pictured) a partner with McGrade + Co, in Glasgow, and a member of the United Employment Lawyers Network, was one of the keynote speakers at the UEL seminar in …

Unfair dismissal process is a massive change we all need to know aboutRead more

EXPERT VIEW: How to unleash the ‘intrapreneurs’ in business

Large firms across the UK need to adopt the entrepreneurial spirit that drives so much value in start-ups and small firms. According to CIPD research, by encouraging a culture of ‘intrapreneurialism,’ big businesses could help their employees adopt entrepreneurial behaviours that foster innovation and growth. The word ‘intrapreneurs’ was coined in the 1980s by management …

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EXPERT VIEW: The world’s changing faster than work

A number of Megatrends over the last century have changed the world of work beyond recognition, according to a report. But are businesses are aware of, or prepared for, the future trends that will shape the way we work and the performance of our organisations and economies in the next decade? Megatrends: The trends shaping …

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